The Portland Upside - A Newspaper Highlighting the Positive News of Portland
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Saturday, October 3, 2009

From the Editors

By Sara & Rob Bednark
The Portland Upside
October 2009

Wow! It’s been a year since we started work on creating The Portland Upside. We had no journalism or publishing experience of our own, only a dream to create what we couldn’t find—a publication with all positive news from the Portland metro area. Now a year later, we’ve published over 50 articles spanning six issues starting with the first in May 2009.

It feels like The Portland Upside is really catching on and gaining momentum. We’re getting a great response, more copies are being picked up at our distribution sites, and we’re seeing more hits on our website. It turns out that we’re not the only ones who want to read positive news.

As always, we want to thank those who volunteer their time and talent to share the inspiring stories from around Portland. Without their help, this paper would not exist.

Because of them, we are able to spread the word about Cheryl Lohrmann’s quest to reduce the use of single-use plastic (“Cheryl Lohrmann leaves no plastic behind”), City Repair’s successful community-building ventures (“Do-it-yourself neighborhood building”), Jim Keefe’s commitment to giving the kids at Cherry Blossom Estates more opportunities to thrive (“Kids Club pulse of community”), and Oso Martin’s creation of Free Geek, an innovative organization for reusing and recycling discarded electronics (“Old computers diverted from dumpsters to desks”).

We look forward to hearing your comments as we continue to unearth more of Portland’s upside and share it with you.


If you would like to be added to our email list for volunteers, call us at 503-663-1526 or email us at and we’ll keep you updated with our deadlines, get-togethers and general needs.

1 comment:

Nick Young said...

Hi Sara and Rob, congrats on another great issue. We portlanders are very greatful to have you bringing us news that makes us smile. When's the last time you read something in mainstream news that made you smile?

I'd also like to add that it was refreshing to read about Free Geek. I've been a huge supporter of Free Geek and the Beaverton E-waste drop off site on Denny road that I frequent monthly. I can remember several years ago all the fees that one had to pay to recycle electronics. Since the passing of the E-waste bill back in January, there is no excuse now for not recycling old keyboards and cables. Thank you again for all your hardwork.
