Rob & Sara Bednark
The Portland Upside
February, 2010
The Portland Upside
February, 2010
Although we are often asked this question, the answer never comes easily or simply.
The short answer is that we choose to create a paper that we want to read; one that we find uplifting without being preachy or gushy; a place where we don’t have to sift through depressing headlines and stories to find the positive stuff; a reminder that people right here are doing things every day to uplift our local communities.
Another answer is that neither of us is working, we need an income and a purpose, and we want to do something meaningful. The idea of a positive newspaper feels like a worthwhile endeavor.
Producing each issue is time-consuming, frustrating, and often fills us with worry and anxiety. It pushes us well outside our comfort zones. But when we give each issue one last read-through before sending it off to the printing press, our effort is rewarded as our hearts are again touched by the stories.
We do it for the people in the Upside who remind us that goodness thrives in Portland.
We do it for the organizations that represent some of the best community-oriented ideas in the country.
We do it for the writers who volunteer their talent to write articles and poems that inspire and captivate our hearts.
We do it for the volunteers who distribute the Upside because they believe in the spirit of positive news.
We do it for the strangers who tell us how happy they are to see a positive paper like the Upside.
Regardless of our reasons for starting it, we hope you enjoy reading the Upside as much as we do.
Sara & Rob
All issues can be viewed on our website, Contact us by email,, or by phone, 503-663-1526.
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