The Portland Upside - A Newspaper Highlighting the Positive News of Portland
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

From the editors

Rob & Sara Bednark
The Portland Upside
February, 2010

Since the beginning, The Portland Upside has been an act of faith. Would we be able to create a newspaper out of our home? Would anyone like a paper with all positive stories? Yes, and yes.

But one of the crucial unknowns was would we get enough content to fill an eight-page paper every month? And thankfully for 11 issues the answer has also been “yes.”

Each month is a new adventure for us. We start with a blank document, a request for articles and no preconceived plans. Writers run ideas across our desk, then go home to write.

We have no idea what articles, poetry or photographs will be in the next issue until the submissions start filling our inbox—some expected, some a surprise. What we receive is then distilled into the issue you read.

Without our growing number of contributors and readers, we would never have learned about therapy horses in Oregon City (“Horses are the therapists at new riding center”), following your heart and the taste of chocolate at Alma Chocolates (“Chocolate leads Sarah Hart in unexpected directions”), or the transformative power of learning to read (“Never too old to succeed”).

Our wish is that everyone feels like they are a part of the Upside writing staff. So we invite all of you to send in your stories, poetry and photographs that highlight the positive side of Portland.

Sara & Rob


Send your submissions to or contact us by phone at 503-663-1526. You can view our writer’s guidelines and all of our past issues on our website,

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