By Jen Bond
April 2010
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April 2010
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Biking has changed our lives in countless ways, helping us to adopt healthier lifestyles, make new friends, explore new places, feel young again and even conquer our addictions. Our bikes give us freedom, fresh air, exercise, focus and fun! Sure, we replace parts, do maintenance on them, or even have to buy new bikes occasionally, but they seem to give back so much more than they demand.
I recently asked friends, acquaintances, and random Portland bicyclists about the positive things that biking adds to their lives. The overwhelming response was heartfelt gratitude. Here are a few of the responses.
“To me, cycling is not just a mode of transportation or weekend activity. Somehow, it has worked its way into every aspect of my life.” –W.B.
“Biking keeps me healthy despite my debaucherous lifestyle.” –B.H.
“Traveling by bicycle is so different from any other mode of transportation. After trying it, I don’t think I’d travel any other way. You get to meet really interesting people, observe wildlife, be in contact with nature, feel the wind on your face and the sun on your skin. It reminds you of what is possible in the world, with just a little effort and an open mind.” –A.M.
“Biking enables me to exercise regularly while both grounding and slowing my energy. Being around the youth as a teacher, it also provides a positive model of making progressive and easy changes in our collective lifestyles. Most of the time my bike rides are liberating as well.” –R.M.
“I love mountain biking on ‘The Hide and Seek’ trail with my dog Otto right on my wheel, trying not to go so fast that I crash. Going from banked turn to banked turn, it’s like a Hotwheels course for bikes. I’m always wishing the trail was longer, and soon it will be!” –J.B.
“Cycling helped me kick my habit.” –J.D.
“Biking is a great way to spend time with my kids. We all have fun, laugh and see things we would never see from a car!” –J.M.
“I love riding my bike around Portland in the springtime, along streets lined with beautiful fragrant flowering trees, the petals drifting around me in the breeze, seeing all the other smiling bicyclists and thinking how very lucky I am.” –H.M.
“Bicycling kept me out of the army and jail.” –Z.B.
“Biking is the closest thing to flying that we humans will ever experience.” –K.Z.
“Riding my bike allows me to explore new places while searching for cute sheep, goats and donkeys.” –A.C.
“Biking keeps my life grounded, and more simple. It keeps me a little out of the mainstream, and helps give me a perspective that I would not have if I mainly drove. Bikes slow you down, and let you experience your surroundings. Riding lets you say ‘good morning’ to the people you see, gets you breathing fresh air and gets your systems working. Biking excites your cerebral spinal fluid, and connects both sides of the brain. Your balance, coordination and awareness improve. Bicycling helps young people develop, and old people stay young. Bikes are so energy efficient, that riding somehow seems like cheating. I have personally noticed all of this, and try to appreciate it every time I ride.” –D.G.
“Riding my bike makes me feel as free as a bird, powered by youthful energy, fast and light and full of the joy of simply being and moving, without a care in the world.” –J.B.
“Biking is my anti-drug!” –J.P.
“Ever since I started riding a bike, I fell in love with cycling and it has completely changed my life. I don’t know what I would do without it. I just love it!” –N.O.
“The sun, the sky and two tires on the road. That makes a great day!” –S.H.
“The one thing that cycling has brought to my life is a lifestyle. Of course Portland has helped cultivate that. It seems like I have always ridden bikes, but it never became a lifestyle until I moved to Portland. I still own a car, but that’s mainly just to ski and mountain bike. Biking is my transportation, my living and my recreation. I never get tired of my bikes. I ride all of them, but my favorite is always my mountain bike.” –D.D.
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts about biking with me. Happy pedaling!
If you have a biking story you’d like to share with Jen you can email it to
Jen Bond is a River City Bicycles employee, cycle-tourist and all-around bike-enthusiast.
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