The Portland Upside - A Newspaper Highlighting the Positive News of Portland
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Friday, May 7, 2010

The retirement of The Portland Upside

After printing our 12th issue in April, we have decided to stop publishing The Portland Upside. We spent time weighing various options (less-frequent publishing, online-only version, nonprofit status, etc.), and concluded that we are tired and are drawn to do something different.

Publishing the paper over the past year has been a fulfilling endeavor, one that we are happy to have achieved. The positive stories published in the Upside were read by thousands, brightening lives and highlighting Portland's goodness.

Thank you to each of you that helped create, support, promote and distribute the Upside. It was a shining success, and we could not have done it without you.

Sara and Rob Bednark, publishers/editors of The Portland Upside

(We will continue to maintain the website so people can continue to enjoy the issues and stories. We can be reached by the above phone number and email address, or contact Rob at and Sara at


ashley said...

I'm really sad to hear this! I really enjoyed reading The Upside. But I wish you both best of luck in whatever it is that you're doing next.

Anonymous said...

Ditto! Reading The Portland Upside has made a difference in my life (Peace Choir, volunteering, etc)!!! Best of everything in yer future!
peace - Andrew

Anonymous said...

I picked up the April copy of your paper while visiting Portland. It was such a wonderful thing to see such positive, uplifting stories. I live abroad and find the overall atmosphere of anger and negativity in the States (even Portland) very disconcerting.

I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...
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